test player linking

This text underlined here is a link to Samply player. [in this case “Propensity”]
Question, if I embed can I have player also be a link to page that allows comments?
I also notice that if you click the Samply logo [S in the upper right hand corner] in embeded player it will open a full window with the Samply app and this includes the ability to leave a comment on the music list item.
Also, if player does not display, wait until it says “Player unavailable… this player has been disabled by its creator” then click the Samply logo [ S ] and it should pull up a full window with the player with the right playlist.
This list (below) happens to be the “Dermit in Stride” one. This name is just a place holder while I was playing with some cuts to get a sense of the instrument. No plan at the moment for an album by that name.